The Italy-based manufacturer has welcomed its Butler County neighbors with open arms, and vice versa.
Cover StoryDeep DiveInnovationManufacturingTalent
GE Is an Engine for Growth
by John Stowellby John StowellThe rechristened GE Aerospace debuted in April and is looking to supercharge hiring and talent development across the region.
Rumpke operates one of the nation’s largest recycling facilities, making St. Bernard a hub for the economy and the environment.
Deep DiveEconomyFood & BeverageHealth CareInnovationManufacturingTechnology
These Leaders Have a Talent for Business Building
These four fast-growing private companies have depended on “killer talent” in order to scale up successfully.
Cover StoryDeep DiveEconomyFood & BeverageManufacturingReal EstateSport
Hamilton’s Resurgence Is Spooky Strong
The city’s economic base dried up when legacy manufacturers shut down, but a new wave of employers (led by Spooky Nook Sports) is attracting development dollars.
A joint venture between Honda and LG Energy Solution brings next-gen manufacturing to southwestern Ohio.
Butler Tech partners with area businesses to expose high school students to better workforce development and college options.
Arts and CultureManufacturingPhoto Essay
Rookwood Pottery Continues to Break the Mold
by John Foxby John FoxMaria Longworth’s vision of a renowned woman-owned pottery manufacturing business thrives in Over-the-Rhine 143 years later.
Cover StoryDeep DiveEconomyLeadershipLogisticsManufacturingReal EstateTechnologyTransportation
Mapping the Growth of Development Wins in 2022
Led by expanding local businesses, the Cincinnati region announced more than 6,000 new jobs in emerging industries.
The German manufacturer, with its U.S. headquarters in Mason, celebrates 50 years in North America and a bright future in machining innovation.