ASK ME ABOUT: The organization’s vision for a more sustainable future.
WHAT INITIATIVES WILL YOU BE PRIORITIZING IN YOUR NEW ROLE? Staff recruiting and retention are of critical importance. I’m excited to find new ways to make sure existing and future employees know that TANK is a great place to be valued and to build a career. Externally, I think there’s a great opportunity to get out into the community and re-educate people on what TANK does. Building on some of the strong partnerships I’ve developed over my time at TANK will continue to be important.
WHAT IS THE STATUS OF THE RECENT FUNDING GRANT REGARDING NEW HYBRID-ELECTRIC BUSES? TANK takes every opportunity to apply for discretionary grants to fund our capital projects, and we were recently notified that one of those grants has been awarded. We will be able to purchase hybrid-electric buses to replace older (end of life) diesel vehicles with more fuel-efficient vehicles that have positive air quality benefits. We replace anywhere from five to eight buses each year.
HOW WILL THE NEW ELECTRIC-HYBRID BUSES IMPACT THE FUTURE OF NKY TRANSPORTATION? Our customers care about having reliable service that’s convenient and safe. Hybrid-electric vehicle technology is continuing to improve; almost one-fourth of our fleet is hybrid-electric. We continue to invest in the technology because it’s reliable, provides a clean and quiet ride, and has positive environmental benefits. But at the end of the day, the critical piece is ensuring the reliability and convenience of the service we provide.