Home » Ask Me About | Peter Adebi

Ask Me About | Peter Adebi

Senior Vice President of Human Resources, Cincinnati Children's Hospital

by Elizabeth Miller Wood

ASK ME ABOUT: The past year in my new role as a Florida transplant.

HOW WOULD YOU SUMMARIZE THE PROGRESS OR CHANGES YOU’VE IMPLEMENTED AT CINCINNATI CHILDREN’S IN THE PAST YEAR? Our HR team created strategic priorities and identified milestones to indicate progress. Top priorities are developing visionary leaders who will shape the future of pediatrics; attracting, developing, and activating extraordinary talent; cultivating the most engaged workforce in health care; creating a workplace in which everyone thrives; and cultivating a culture in which everyone feels safe, welcome, valued, and respected.

HOW DID YOUR PREVIOUS CAREER ROLES PREPARE YOU FOR YOUR RESPONSIBILITIES AT CHILDREN’S? I spent nearly 22 years at Nemours Children’s Health, rising through the ranks to become chief human resources officer for the multistate pediatric system that’s headquartered in Jacksonville, Florida. Nemours prioritized leadership development, and so I acquired skills and gained experience that prepared me for my current role.

WHAT ARE YOUR GOALS FOR THE COMING YEARS? When you think about HR’s role in an organization, talent and culture come to mind. The lever that moves both, however, is leadership. Therefore, a top priority is implementing a three-tier leadership development program: an emerging leader program for rising talent, a core leadership program for existing leaders, and courses and other learning experiences tailored to the needs of select senior leaders.
